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Copyright ©2008-2014 Randy Klein. This website was created by Paul-Michael Spodek for Randy Klein Music.

Review by Ronald Jackson 8/4/08

OK, picture or feel this. It’s been a long, long exhausting day and you just want to plop down on the sofa or in your recliner and enjoy some really good acoustic piano arrangements to massage away the pent-up anxiety. Here is music so soft, so serene, so caressing, with a feel almost like you’re floating down in slow motion to descend upon a huge heap of feathers. That’s the image Randy Klein wants you to conjure up in his latest album The Flowing and he nails it. Plain and simple, he nails it. The warm tickling of the ivories and the tender melodies on each magnificent piece brings about a peaceful, surrealistic aura of well-being that really needs no words, no accompanying instruments, no outside intrusions of any kind. Just you and him and music fit for a fantasy. Tunes like the opener “The Calm” and “Clean and Beautiful” and “Why Won’t You?” fully explain why Klein is an award-winning pianist after only three albums (including this one). Nothing jarring here, nothing beckoning you to the dance floor or inviting you to “crank it up.” Just good, solid compositions performed with a great deal of professional ease. Just enough to allow you to make it through one more night and perhaps motivate you to try another day tomorrow.

You could well end up greatly thanking Klein for this quality time and his quality production.

Tracks: The Calm, The Flowing, "A" Is For Angel, Can't Get You Out of My Mind, Awake to the Sun, Child Like, Process, Clean and Beautiful, Find Your Space, Why Won't You?Always Grateful, A World of Luxury Record Label Website:

"Tunes like the opener 'The Calm' and 'Clean and Beautiful' and 'Why Won’t You?' fully explain why Klein is an award-winning pianist after only three albums."